분류 전체보기 (16) 썸네일형 리스트형 apt --fix-broken install (Broken_pipe error) https://wiki.debian.org/Broken_pipe Broken_pipe - Debian Wiki Error: trying to overwrite foo, which is also in package bar This is an example of an apt-get error caused by a file conflict, and how to resolve it: Unpacking replacement kdebase-libs ... dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-libs_4%3a2.2 wiki.debian.org error when ' sudo apt --fix-broken install ' remove packange de.. multi class classification https://machinelearningmastery.com/multi-class-classification-tutorial-keras-deep-learning-library/ 폴더 안 비디오 파일들 일괄적으로 마지막 프레임만 추출하기(dump a last frame of the videos from the folder) bash #!/bin/bash for fn in *.mp4 do of=${fn%.*}.jpg lf=`ffprobe -show_streams "$fn" 2> /dev/null | awk -F= '/^nb_frames/ { print $2-1 }'` rm -f "$of" ffmpeg -i "$fn" -vf "select='eq(n,$lf)'" -vframes 1 "$of" 2> /dev/null done automatic power up / boot for jetson forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/auto-power-on-shows-logo-then-dies/68051/11 connect pin 5-6 ffmpeg rgb curves DaVinci resolve on linux does not produce h264 encoded output for trial. ffmpeg -i $INPUT -vf curves=r='0/0 0.8/0.46 1/0.7':g='0/0 0.6/0.58 1/0.8':b='0/0 1/1' $OUTPUT ffmpeg -i $INPUT -vf curves=$PRESET $OUTPUT google cloud platform storage to public to internet gsutil -m acl set -R -a public-read gs://link Jetson OpenCV SURF Note about SIFT/SURF in the nonfree module: OpenCV4Tegra doesn't include the opencv_nonfree package (containing SIFT & SURF feature detectors) since those algorithms are patented by other companies and therefore anyone using opencv_nonfree is at risk of liability. If you need something from the nonfree module, you have 2 options: Analyze the public OpenCV source code then copy/paste the parts of.. Unrolling for speed up www.nvidia.fr/docs/IO/116711/sc11-unrolling-parallel-loops.pdf 이전 1 2 다음